Individual Medium Post 2

Shaina Kramer
2 min readMay 10, 2021

Reflecting on the groups of people we have studied and their “cultural productions” they have created within their communities, I have begun to form the realization that these “cultural productions”, such as art, literature, or music can be a sign of proud and triumph beyond their struggles to form their communities, but also the beginning of political turmoil and a medium for propaganda in political struggles. This shows the balance kept among these cultural, historical items that communities keep so close to them. On one hand, it can be used as a celebration, a mark in history, a story telling piece for these communities to create, share and keep for generations after generations. On the other hand, these productions can also hold a position of communication amongst their communities in the current time to band them together against any political struggle facing their freedom. Despite the use on either side, the cultural productions we have seen, have the same end result: they have brought communities more tight knit and and created a more meaningful experience for them and a sense of belonging. Personally, my own experiences with art, music, and literature have definitely brought a sense of community and belonging in my own life. People who like rap music tend to form a community together, listen to that music together, and same goes for country music. There is a sense of commonness among us that music, art or literature has that can bring us together. Similar to how I concluded in my last post, they almost serve as a universal language for all to understand and bond over, and that is where human connection is most important and the core for all struggles to end.

